Hi, my name is Mark Pringle. I am the dude behind LearnASPNET.com.
I am a Full Stack ASP.NET C# Web Developer, certified usability engineer, visual designer, and writer. For years I worked exclusively with ASP.NET Web Forms, building websites and web communities. I got stuck in that monolithic rut and decided to migrate my skills to ASP.NET Core, MVC, and newer technologies.
During this skill upgrading process, I decided to start a website using ASP.NET Core 6 MVC and these newer technologies while documenting my programming journey. My goal is to make it easier for other developers to migrate their skills, overcome problems, or simply learn ASP.NET Core.
I will be writing tutorials, articles, and beginner’s guides for C#, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Microsoft SQL Server, CSS, and anything else that may relate to an ASP.NET-centric world.
If you want to contribute your knowledge to this website, please contact me.